art dolls

Jules has just woken up and is slightly confused, why is he here? Upon looking down he discoveres a startling fact, he has a body! Hairy and all. Last time he looked he was just a head, why did they do this to him? He never asked for a body! He was perfectly content to be just his head. Now he has to go places, do stuff..
He looks across the room to find a ogling crowd of people in white coats looking at him. And do you like your body they ask.
Do I he I?

tribe dolls series
available for sale or special order

From his bed beneath the mosquito netting, Abdellahi dreams of the Parisian life. He once had a friend who visited Paris and came back to tell him stories of life in this far away land, of cafes and museums and the left bank. With him, his friend brought a scarf for Abdellahi. He told Abdellahi that all French men wear scarves and it has since become Abdellahi's favourite accessory. He wears it despite the summer heat. And though it is true that it sometimes provokes strange looks from people in the streets, Abdellahi ignores the stares and instead continues to dream of life far away.

tribe dolls series

available for sale or special order 

Gomez's dream since he was a child was to be a top model.
Now he is 18 and all through the years he imagined himself on the catwalk.
He spent countless hours at hair salons,spas,gyms and solarium. 
His body was his temple.Now he is ready for his first photo shoot.
All he needs now is to wax his arm pits.
Wish him Good Luck !!!

tribe dolls series
available for sale or special order

Zeev was born in a small town in the middle of the israeli desert, the Negev. He was quite an ordinary kid, except that he felt himself very alone. One day, around the age of 6, he was heading home from school, when suddenly he saw a baby wolf on the street. In that very moment he knew: he is not alone anymore. He was so happy to walk on the street with the little wolf: "My name means wolf, and this little animal is a wolf, this encounter cannot be by chance" he thought. He was playing with the wolf like a pet, gave food for him, and even slept with him. One week later another 6-year-old kid arrived to the town desperately seeking his beloved wolf. The boy was crying: and Zeev was deeply touched by this. Although his heart was bleeding he gave back the baby wolf to the boy, and from then on they became best friends. The boy's name was Abdellahi.

tribe dolls series
available for sale or special order

tribe dolls series
available for sale or special order

Kesh thinks he is a 'real' man. Oh, yeah! He never cuts his hair, nor shaves his beard, for fear of losing his manly strength. One day, he meets a young woman who knocks him off his feet with her good looks. From that day on, he is her slave! She is flattered, but after six months she tells him that she doesn't love him any more, that in fact she never truly loved him, and that she will marry an old but wealthy man. Kesh shaves his head and beard, going around like that for some time. But in the end, he decides that he can live without this woman and actually be better off, and grows his hair and beard again! Now he is happy!!

a project by Quat and psarokokalo for ''tell a story'' exhibit. 

Έτσι ονομάσαμε το καινούργιο μας project ο Quat και το Psarokokalo. Ο Ayelu είναι μια κούκλα σε ανθρώπινες διαστάσεις που «μυρίζει» φύση, κι έχει σκοπό να στρογγυλοκαθίσει γυμνή στον καναπέ σου για να σε παρακινήσει να βγεις επιτέλους απ’ το «καβούκι» σου.

from native tribes series hand painted art dolls
Claudette she is called, this sweet girl. She has many talents but is most renowned for her ability to teach donkeys to speak. There are many lost abandoned donkeys in the world so she has a great task before her. She herself is not aware this is a special thing, she is mainly worried her hair is not quite fashionable enough as one day in the zoo a giraffe tried to eat it. So if you have a donkey in dire need of words, invite Claudette along and she will help. While she is at it be sure to compliment her hair so one day she may be convinced she is a pretty girl.

monstera deliciosa big leaves plant

''This Central American plant has been more widely cultivated as an ornemental than as a fruit plant, but its edible qualities are well known.
Monstera is a vigorous, creeping or climbing vine with thick stems and heart shaped leaves often 2 feet wide and 3 feet long (60 by 90 cm) in tropical climates (in Phoenix, 1 foot by 1.5 foot is more usual - 30 by 45 cm). The leaves are both deeply lobed and perforated near the center.''

- available for sale